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On May 30, 2019 my Comrades in the The Proletarian Revolutionary Front were murdered: by Commander Soviet Menace


 By Commander Soviet Menace 

I want to thank the Internationalist Resistance Guard for allowing me to post this Commemoration Article on their blog. They did not have to do this, I am grateful that you would platform my testimony to the public. I feel more emboldened to fight for the Liberation of the World because of the murder of George Floyd. George Floyd a Black man was murdered in Minneapolis on May 25, 2020 by the Pig known by the name Derek Chauvin, an ugly White Minneapolis police officer, knelt on Floyd's neck for 8 minutes and 46 seconds; 2 minutes and 53 seconds of which occurred after Floyd became unresponsive, according to the criminal complaint filed against Chauvin. Floyd was handcuffed and lying face down on the road, while Chauvin had his knee on his neck. The three other arresting officers were identified as Thomas K. Lane, Tou Thao, and J. Alexander Kueng. To all of those effected by what has happened I wish to show you what me and my Comrades swore an oath to protect and defend. Me and my Comrades had at least twelve hideouts in California, three of them were in Los Angeles. We had sworn an oath to uphold and defend The Declaration of Justice and Revolution and we had no shame in our treasonous position.
Before I go further I wish to dispel a rumor, the Syrian Communist who is known in Social Media as Poc Eral is not dead, this rumor came from the fact that he was recently captured twice by Neo-Nazis and both times he escaped. I have helped Poc Eral get out of the United States of America, you should take time to read his entire blog. This is his blog called Poc Eral, I get frustrated with everyone dissing real Revolutionaries that decide to share information via Blogger, I am fed up with those who ridicule collaboration of differing Socialist groups that build Blogs together. I am not going to give new insight on what happened because what happened to my Comrades is already well documented by Poc Eral. I will give a summery though, I will also express my solidarity with George Floyd and his family. I wish to thank all of those in the Lenin-Mao Communist Union that still live, as I too am now underground I give you my thanks, I am so sorry that your aiding of me led to the murder of three of your Comrades. I also want to thank Jason Unruhe for having the guts to talk about the events in Arizona that took place on May 27, 2019 when the Five Council members of the Bundist Movement were murdered along with several other people. Jason Unruhe also mentioned my Comrades in the Proletarian Revolutionary Front that died on May 30, 2019 and the three members of the Lenin-Mao Communist Union that were murdered on June 8, 2019. Jason Unruhe has not only earned my respect but I will from now on work hard to discredit those that lie about him and his friends in the Leading Light Communist Organization. Me and my Comrades were contacted after the massacre that took place on May 27, 2019. We immediately came out to Arizona to gather hard evidence, we all knew about Jared 88 and his girlfriend Bunny Leistung. With Bunny Leistung was a JDL Zionist who went by the name of Adinah Belén. We met with an assoiated Comrade who decided to contact us concerning the events of May 27, 2019. We had actually gathered amazing evidence, but Bunny Leistung spotted us and we were captured and thrown into a White Van. I alone escaped the White Van. My eight Comrades along with the young Comrade who had contacted us, asking us to come out to Arizona to conduct an investigation concerning the events of May 27, 2019 they were in the Van as I escaped, I had to get help so I went to the headquarters of the Lenin-Mao Communist Union. Inside the White Van my Comrades were stabbed by Adinah Belén multiple times, she kept stabbing them even after they died of the wounds she was inflicting on them. While in the White Van my young Comrade that phoned me and my Comrades was hit unconscious by Bunny Leistung. The young unnamed Comrade that first contacted us of the Proletarian Revolutionary Front then woke up in a warehouse that was still under construction in the City of Surprise, Arizona. He was interrogated and tortured by Adinah Belén. Meanwhile as I was in the headquarters of the Lenin-Mao Communist Union they gathered their own intelligence by speaking to many people who saw the abduction of me and my Comrades. So then they were able to deduce that the young Man was held in a warehouse that was still under construction in the City of Surprise, Arizona. The Lenin-Mao Communist Union armed me and I was given a ride to a place near the location. I went into that unfinished warehouse, I could see the backsides of Bunny Leistung and Adinah Belén. I was armed with the rifle that was given to me by the Lenin-Mao Communist Union, without hesitation I shot both of them and this killed them. I handed the young Comrade a pistol for protection. We both ran out of there, as we ran out we were confronted by some of the Neo-Nazi members of the National Socialist Revolutionary Guard. The young unnamed Comrade killed four of them as they ran at us by firing the pistol that I had just given to him. We ran to the Car where General Secretary Edward Phil's Car was parked, in case you don't know General Secretary Edward Phil was one of the members of the Lenin-Mao Communist Union that would be murdered later on June 8, 2019 in their very own headquarters. Jared 88 drove in pursuit of us but we got away. The following day Chairman James Frankford, General Secretary Edward Phil and Arch Director Bradley Butch aided me and the young Comrade in investigating what had happened on May 27, 2019 and May 30, 2019. Me and my young Comrade both left Arizona with the help of everyone in the Lenin-Mao Communist Union. This is why on June 8, 2019 three of the members of the Lenin-Mao Communist Union were murdered. I am still upset that this happened, all of the information concerning my Comrades has been erased, it is dangerous even going to Arizona and running up against Midnight Productions they have the resources to remove entire records of a person, their ability to do this is even more when you are in Arizona. I could explain a lot more but that would require volumes of information that I will not bombard this blog with. I want everyone who feels impacted by the murder of George Floyd to read  The Declaration of Justice and Revolution. Every member of the Proletarian Revolutionary Front was either Black or Mexican. I myself am Black and I want people to understand that we can change the World, but we can not change it through reforms, my Comrades did not die for voting rights, they died to destroy the very State institution that Derek Chauvin is part of. Please read The Declaration of Justice and Revolution and live by it. I BELIEVE IN REVOLUTIONARY JUSTICE AND YOU SHOULD TOO. Solidarity to the friends and family of George Floyd.


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