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United Inter-National Inter-Communal Convergence

United Inter-National Inter-Communal Convergence

It was intended that the United Inter-National Inter-Communal Convergence would be represented by Maoist Rebel News. With enough publicity it could even become safe for those hesitant to show themselves to finally be seen by everyone. However due to the manipulation of DaStoned Soviet the once chaotic network of Maoist Rebel News never did become what it planned to be. The great promises made by Maoist Rebel News to the United Inter-National Inter-Communal Convergence were never kept because these promises ran contrary to the whims of DaStoned Soviet. We use a style of typing called the Paradigm Doctrine. The Paradigm Doctrine can be repetitive as many have complained, but when reading anything written in this style, everything conveyed is easy to understand. The writings of the United Inter-National Inter-Communal Convergence are primarily written in the style of the Paradigm Doctrine. There is frustration towards both Dr. Weizfeld and Comrade Net  –  whether or not any of it is justified is another matter  – no one, no matter what side of an argument has any right to assess. Although some may beg to differ on this  – the Internationalist Resistance Guard will not entertain gossip. Everything we say about DaStoned Soviet is not gossip. We have learned a lot from Panther C.O.D.E and the Arizona Rebellion along with many anonymous individuals  –  showing us things about both Dr. Weizfeld and Comrade Net. Some of this makes them look bad. Some of this makes them look good. We find a full judgement of any kind towards them to be unworthy so far  –  the facts about Dr. Weizfeld and Comrade Net in terms of whether either of them did anything wrong from the standpoint of the Convergence would be immature to conclude at this time. So as to whether either of them should be seen as problematic is still an inconclusive matter  –  this does not mean concerns and worries will not be confronted. We still recognize Dr. Weizfeld as Chairman of the Revolution  –  we remain concerned by his ongoing actions working to discredit himself. We have collected information from Panther C.O.D.E. We have seen screen saves of Dr. Weizfeld interacting with them. Everyone of us knows Black M3W Justice. Black M3W Justice also has been providing us with incredible information. We are not going to show the conversations between Dr. Weizfeld and Panther C.O.D.E because it would be wrong to do this to the man we have from the start recognize as the true Convergence Chairman.Dr. Weizfeld as Chairman should be subjected to routine criticism and correcting  – otherwise he will inevitably develop hubris. It does look like this has already happened  – we hope bring Dr. Weizfeld back on the right track. The interactions between Comrade Net and Panther C.O.D.E have also been screen saved  – Panther C.O.D.E showed typical annoyance with him, whereas Net seems to be panicking about anything and everything all at once. What is sad is that Comrade Net thinks the World of Dr. Weizfeld while Dr. Weizfeld seems to think of Net as some kind of teenager even though Net is 39. We think Panther C.O.D.E expected too much from Comrade Net. We will not share any of those screen saves either. We learned a lot from the Pink Purple Girl too. She seems to have in some ways developed a bond to Comrade Net. It is sad that the two of them are now avoiding each other. The United Inter-National Inter-Communal Convergence is not a joke. We don't think Dr. Weizfeld understand what is even going on. DaStoned Soviet is making the Convergence and Dr. Weizfeld look like a joke. We think that RedPagan Nikole should have more say in things too. RedPagan Nikole almost saved the MRN Network after Luke Dublin disband it.    

The United Inter-National Inter-Communal Convergence originally included Maoist-Third Worldists, Anarchists, Marxist-Leninist-Maoists and Demarchists. But at the request of Comrade #3, all Demarchist groups pulled out of the United Inter-National Inter-Communal Convergence in mid 2023. So only the Maoist-Third Worldist groups, the Anarchist groups and the Marxist-Leninist-Maoist groups can be referenced. The Three Marxist-Leninist-Maoist groups are together known as The Federated MLM Cadres. The two Anarchist groups are together known as The Commune of Anarchy. The two Maoist-Third Worldist groups are together known as The Third Worldist Pact.    


The actual United Inter-National Inter-Communal Convergence in real life;

The Federated MLM Cadres:
Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Action.   Panther C.O.D.E.   Third World Liberation.

The Commune of Anarchy:
L.A. Underground.   Arizona Rebellion.

The Third Worldist Pact:
Global Revolutionary Shining Path.   Internationalist Resistance Guard.

The United Inter-National Inter-Communal Convergence came about during the autumn of 2019. It was abraham Weizfeld PhD who came up with the name United Inter-National Inter-Communal Convergence. Dr. Weizfeld, Comrade Net, Jason Unruhe and Luke Dublin together promised to give this Grand United Front representation. This never actually happened because of the internal problems caused by the person we will from now on only refer to as DaStoned Soviet. We intend to defend the reputation of Panther C.O.D.E yet we also intend to give them a heavy criticism. Within the United Inter-National Inter-Communal Convergence, two groups screwed up, one from the Third Worldist Pact and the other from The Federated MLM Cadres. Obviously we are the ones in the Third Worldist Pact and Panther C.O.D.E is the other group who screwed up within the Federated MLM Cadres. So this, in combination with - DaStoned Soviet deciding to wreck Maoist Rebel News at every turn – by objecting to the promises made between the United Inter-National Inter-Communal Convergence and Maoist Rebel News. First Luke Dublin was going to meet Captain Nine Millimeter then we [ the  Internationalist Resistance Guard ] were going to meet abraham Weizfeld PhD and Comrade Net Ben-Yahushua. This was agreed upon in December of 2020. Luke Dublin was suppose to be funded by Dr. Weizfeld but instead during February of 2021 Comrade Net attempted to volunteer himself and his Wife  – to shoulder such responsibility. What Comrade Net did not know at the time was –   he had gotten his Wife into massive debt. Comrade Net had traveled to Ohio to meet Mason Steiner aka RedScare TV. Also to meet the man who Jason Unruhe, Mason Steiner and Comrade Net bromatically deputized as Chad Antifa. The Fellow Traveler was named Chad Antifa by Mason, Jason and Net. We on the contrary never really trusted Fellow Traveler or RedScare TV. One of the reasons why we still want to meet Comrade Net just as we had hoped to do since August 2019 is because he has become an urban legend, one we hoped to see ourselves. The reasons why we still want to meet Dr. Weizfeld just as we had hoped to do since August 2019 is because he is a Hero for the Palestinian Cause, one of the greatest. Everyone who ever was, everyone who is – the Internationalist Resistance Guard knows the infamous Ms. Newman of New Jersey. We have had our fill of Dona Newman. While it is tragic that she was kidnapped - it is not harsh to say she brought it on herself. It is Dr. Weizfeld and Comrade Net who hold our interest. Dr. Weizfeld has never made a real attempt to contact any of us. Because of the withdrawing of all Demarchist groups and individuals from the Convergence, we really can't expect Comrade Net to attempt any contact with us. We are not going to be a full functioning Organization once we run out of money from our Community Treasury. This is why most of our efforts are going towards getting the writings of the Third Worldist Pact published. It is no secret that the Internationalist Resistance Guard is an organization which unapologetically endorses Jason Unruhe. The Internationalist Resistance Guard rejects Dengism, Gonzaloism and Hoxhaism. The Internationalist Resistance Guard is an organization of Communists funding Revolutionaries throughout the First World and the Third World. The difference between Socialist Multipolarism and Fascist Multipolarity was the next topic Jason Unruhe and Luke Dublin had pledged to talk about in a documentary titled RevTube but this did not happen. Instead a documentary came out called DaStoned Soviet. This screwed up everything. While everything on it is mostly true, it is not without moments of what many younger people might call cringe. The attempt to soften up to both RedScare TV and Fellow Traveler in that documentary was in part what kept DaStoned Soviet in the tyrannical position of Line Holder for Maoist Rebel News. It is the promises made to the Internationalist Resistance Guard which we hope Jason Unruhe takes primary priority with along side his promises to the Arizona Rebellion and some of the younger members of Panther C.O.D.E because we have the reputation of being Jason Unruhe Shills. This is of course slander. But what most Communists don't yet realize is that history is already looking kindly on Jason Unruhe's contribution to spreading the ideas of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism-Third Worldism, an idea which in time will be vindicated  –   as the correct version of Scientific Socialism.   



Between The Country: The Sacrifice Zone

This Documentary was interesting, grander scale documentaries showing conversations with homeless people in California were in the works in 2022 but these never came out. A group of nine individuals made three unseen documentaries which we hoped to promote that same year but our commitment to the United Inter-National Inter-Communal Convergence was a greater priority. The Internationalist Resistance Guard had to disband and reassemble a few times so that made such work difficult. We are no longer in touch with those individuals. Between The Country: The Sacrifice Zone came out in February 10, 2021 on the RedScare TV channel. You can immediately tell the serious political and philosophical differences between Comrade Net and RedScare in the video. We have come to learn how embarrassed by this documentary Net actually is. But what this shows is that Comrade Net takes all of this very seriously. Net's wife payed for his trip to Ohio. The idea was that RedScare would pay her back. He did not. This put his wife in debt. Many things happened throughout 2021 all the way to now, including that debt increasing due to domestic reasons. RedScare TV was the first to brake his word to the United Inter-National Inter-Communal Convergence. We know a lot of members of Panther C.O.D.E, many of them stayed in Arizona for a long amount of time. Many of them worked at the same place Net's wife works. So we know a lot about what actually happened. If we had not attempted to become more cordial with Ramiro Fúnez we would have been prepared for everything which has now happened.



This Documentary Will Not Be Monetized' was a six part series which basically is a documentation of networking for a higher standard in Socialist News. The very first documentary has the same name as the series. It is also obvious these six documentaries are in essence experimental. 

This Documentary Will Nor Be Monetized 

This documentary was written and directed by Jason Unruhe and Comrade #3. This video came out December 25, 2020. This was a promotion documentary addressing many issues including Jason Unruhe's respect for Dead Man Animations. This documentary introduces the Obnoxious Anarchist, he was the second to brake his word to the United Inter-National Inter-Communal Convergence.

This documentary was a crash course in both Maoism-Third Worldism and Demarchism. The main feature was –  I STAN Kim Jong-Un but Can't STAND Trump – a random person on YouTube who obsessively demands he be moved to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. He never showed up in the following documentaries. The next documentary completely changes the tone of the series. 

DaStoned Soviet 

This documentary came out November 23, 2021. This documentary is a denouncement of Caleb Maupin. The primary feature of this video is DaStoned Soviet/Lumpen ThirdWorldist/Kara Stokely/Lumpen Maoist. This documentary was written and directed by Jason Unruhe and Luke Dublin. 

In this documentary both Fellow Traveler and RedScare TV are informed by Jason, they can redeem themselves if they confront their own reactionary behavior. These pleas for both of them to fix their behavior fell on deaf ears. What this documentary did very well was to continue the Land Back message the previous documentary went so heavy into. The last documentary had a bunch of slideshow text with hit songs playing as you read. That is gone with 'DaStoned Soviet. It is strange watching it today now that DaStoned Soviet betrayed Jason Unruhe. She knows a lot. We have learned a lot about her history from people who have known her on Discord. She has never been known to take a criticism. She has always started conflicts between Comrades. We were the only ones in the United Inter-National Inter-Communal Convergence who saw her for what she really is from the start. Now that her self aggrandizement is more known we can now confront how she destroyed Maoist Rebel News, just as she is now trying to destroy the United Inter-National Inter-Communal Convergence.  

The Maoist Rebel and The Engelsist

This documentary came out May 31, 2022. It was to be the first step in explaining the new MRN Network to the Maoist Rebel News audience. This documentary also featured Jason's former sidekick Maxwell Glover. Like the first two documentaries the Land Back message is very prominent.  

In this documentary Jason Unruhe proclaims Luke Dublin and the Falcone General to be the new Maoist Rebels to come after him. This documentary shares with the audience a vision of a new Communist News Network working in the service of the United Inter-National Inter-Communal Convergence. DaStoned Soviet never let this be which is why there was no fulfillment of the promises made. The documentary features Dr. abraham Weizfeld reading out a statement for the United Inter-National Inter-Communal Convergence. It was very well written as most of his work is. What is perplexing in the statement by Dr. Weizfeld is his insistence on Quebec as a Nation still seeking independence. Quebec is a Settler Colonial Nation-State. This issue was addressed in the follow up documentary. This documentary also is a real open door to what Maoist Rebel News was supposed to be yet never truly became. Out of all the documentaries this one is the most interesting on a substance level. On an esthetic level The Maoist Rebel and The Engelsist is very plain.      

The Maoist Rebel and the Falcone General 

This documentary came out June 1, 2022. This documentary attempted to educate others and encourage the youth to speak up. In this documentary it was announced that the Falcone General was stepping down from the MRN Youth leaving the MRN Youth in the hands of Corporal Kat. This documentary was rushed and it shows. The editing on this video is very poor. The video has some redeeming qualities, such as Luke Dublin correctly calling out reactionary positions held by Dr. Weizfeld.  

The Maoist Rebel and the Falcone General was a continuation of The Maoist Rebel and The Engelsist. The Falcone General was amazing throughout the entire documentary. She is righteous and takes no prisoners. Despite the issues with this video it was well received by the United Inter-National Inter-Communal Convergence. This video displays how above and beyond the Falcone General went for the homeless of Arizona. This is a video which really shows the difference between the vision of Jason and Luke versus the ugly style of bulling seen by DaStoned Soviet.    


Corporal Kat: the Anarcho Bundist 

This documentary came out on July 20, 2022. This documentary was completely written and directed by Luke Dublin. This video is a crash course in the history of the Bundist Movement. As we came to later find out, Corporal Kat ditched Maoist Rebel News shortly after this because the odd rules put in place by DaStoned Soviet. This documentary was the closest Maoist Rebel News came to fulling certain promises opposed by DaStoned Soviet. This documentary has a very righteous message. 

Connor Gillis (Liz) is exposed in this video - big time. The call for adult Socialists to protect teenage Socialists in this video are blunt. There is nothing subtle in this video and it is so full of information that some people may need to see it twice to understand it fully. While this series deviates after the first one, the issues Maoist Rebel News was having at the time are made clear to audiences. Anyone who claims these videos are hard to understand are not being truthful. On an esthetic level Corporal Kat: the Anarcho Bundist is the best in the series but it is not as interesting as The Maoist Rebel and The Engelsist as far as delivering an on point message. This one was still very insightful regardless. 

The Glassno Gang 

This last installment of THIS DOCUMENTARY WILL NOT BE MONETIZED was about Jason Unruhe's overt disapproval of the Glasno Gang. The Glasno Gang is a loose affiliation of edge lords online who use Pol Pot as a mascot. Their constant praise of Jason Unruhe had actually caused many to think Jason Unruhe was a NazBol. In this documentary Jason Unruhe shares his feelings. This one was published to YouTube on July 21, 2022. This is the documentary in witch Jason Unruhe exposes the LARP. This last video finishes up a six part series. It is disappointing that this series deviated so far from its original goal. But as disappointing as this one was, it does actually restore to some level the image of Jason Unruhe, so badly trashed by Anarchopac and RAIM. This is the video Jason Unruhe decided that Anti-White Politics is a benefit for Socialism. These documentaries including DaStoned Soviet had no influence from DaStoned Soviet. This is why the image of Maoist Rebel News as a network from 2021 to 2023 clashes and contradicts the THIS DOCUMENTARY WILL NOT BE MONETIZED series. The network which ran from 2021 to 2023 carried out the agendas of DaStoned Soviet. THIS DOCUMENTARY WILL NOT BE MONETIZED is a series which shows what Jason and Luke tried to make that network.

THIS DOCUMENTARY WILL NOT BE MONETIZED is a series representing the United Inter-National Inter-Communal Convergence. It is the wish of the United Inter-National Inter-Communal Convergence for both Jason Unruhe and Luke Dublin to follow through on what they advertised so intensely. THIS DOCUMENTARY WILL NOT BE MONETIZED is as a series, serves as a redemption arch pushing back against the years of slander made at Jason Unruhe. This series did not fail in that at least. Jason Unruhe being recognized as credible is important to us. Not just to us but to everyone Jason has tried to help. This is the real reason why Jason has been constantly targeted by other Communists. He actually attempts to serve the people. When a Communist acts like a real Communist this can upset all those Communists who are communist in name only. Jason Unruhe is a real Third Worldist Communist who never actually achieved what he wanted as a News Man. But he has left a powerful impression on many people. Jason Unruhe has led many to become Communists. This documentary series cements this. THIS DOCUMENTARY WILL NOT BE MONETIZED is an imperfect documentary series which shamelessly experiments without any care of who might say its confusing.      

Panther C.O.D.E and Convergence

The best Black Panther Organization is Panther C.O.D.E because they actually understand Pantherism. 

C.O.D.E is one word which means four words – Community Organization Deterrence Enforcement. To understand the issue we need to explain how Panther C.O.D.E operates. At the very beginning of 2021 Jason Unruhe and Caleb Maupin were still friends. So while this was the case, tolerance for Dengists became a temporary policy. His at the time friendliness  – seen with Ramiro Fúnez made it hard to confront Dengism for what it really is. This is despite the fact that Jason Unruhe knew better. Our fault in this was we also made an attempt to get on Ramiro Fúnez's good side. There was a lot of manic wishful thinking in early 2021. To understand Panther C.O.D.E an understanding of how it was divided up into three sections is essential. #1 The Black Liberation Organization – #2 the Old Guard of Panther C.O.D.E  – #3 The New Generations of Panther C.O.D.E. The Black Liberation Organization was the central committee of Panther C.O.D.E. This will be important to remember as we continue to reveal information. So make sure to remember the Black Liberation Organization was the Central Committee of Panther C.O.D.E. While the Black Liberation Organization in generational terms was part of the Old Guard of Panther C.O.D.E they stood apart. The Old Guard of Panther C.O.D.E was not by any measure Dengists, but they did not see Dengists for the threat they really are. Dengism is different than Deng Xiaoping Theory – while both are revisionist and reactionary - Dengism is not Deng Xiaoping Theory. Deng Xiaoping Theory is the series of political and economic ideologies first developed by Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping.  The theory does not reject Marxism–Leninism, but instead claims to be an adaptation of them to the existing socioeconomic conditions of China. This revisionist theory is what started China towards the path of Capitalism. Today China is Capitalist  – in every sense of what Capitalism is  – this is what China is today. Dengism is the blind faith that the People's Republic of China is somehow Socialist despite how much Capitalism the reforms of Deng Xiaoping brought to China. Today, China is more than Capitalist. Today, China is Imperialist and Fascist. So it is not too much of a stretch to admit that all Dengists are Fascists. The Old Guard of Panther C.O.D.E used their legacy to bully the New Generations of Panther C.O.D.E, Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Action and Third World Liberation into tolerating Dengism as less of a contradiction than Americanism. This Theoretical Senile position of the Old Guard of Panther C.O.D.E is infantile  –  putting it delicately. Despite the Black Liberation Organization coming from the generational stock of the Old Guard of Panther C.O.D.E –  they aligned much more with the New Generations of Panther C.O.D.E. Panther C.O.D.E actually understands Pantherism. They are not the only Black Power affiliation with aims for authentic Black Revolution. Yet they are currently the only Black Power affiliation with sincere aims for authentic World Revolution. The strengths of the original Black Panther Party are built upon, while the weakness of the original Black Panther Party are confronted. The degenerating of both Huey P. Newton and Eldridge Cleaver is historically confronted by Panther C.O.D.E  –  while Panther C.O.D.E gives credit to both Huey P. Newton and Eldridge Cleaver for their contributions to Communist Theory. The Old Guard of Panther C.O.D.E crippled the effectiveness of the Federated MLM Cadres. We will provide an entire analysis on the Old Guard of Panther C.O.D.E but all of Panther C.O.D.E will be criticized by us. The Old Guard of Panther C.O.D.E considers the 22 videos uploaded to the YouTube channel 'PANTHER POWER as representing their views in totality. The New Generations of Panther C.O.D.E have proclaimed numerous times they are best represented by 'TheBlackInternationalist. There is so much to explain about this. It will take an entirely different blog presentation to explain everything we need to explain about them. The matter is very complicated too. We can not diminish our praises and criticism of Panther C.O.D.E in this blog presentation. What we need to be made known right now is this... Panther C.O.D.E deserves credit for finding the locations used for the Convergence Conventions. It is also Panther C.O.D.E who sent body guards to Arizona after they had left, these body guards neutralized 'Army 88 of The Christ - before returning to home. Army 88 of The Christ had a hit on many individuals with Net seemingly near the top of this hit list. This ended up costing Panther C.O.D.E financially. This may be the reason Panther C.O.D.E has started expressing a lot of animosity at Comrade Net. What makes this worse is how their animosity towards Comrade Net is only worsen by how much Comrade #3 has begun to resent Panther C.O.D.E. We wish we had met Comrade Net. He has known about us for years now. We have known about him for years too. But we never got to meet Comrade Net or the great legendary Dr. Weizfeld. We do need to confirm Dr. Weizfeld does have poor memory. This becomes more noticeable as the years go by. More on this another day. The bickering between Panther C.O.D.E and Dr. Weizfeld is upsetting to read through but in observation of the correspondences between them we know so much more about this situation than we did before.                            



Maoist Rebel News and Convergence   

For years Jason Unruhe has educated people on the topics of Marxism, Anti-Imperialism, Anti-Colonialism and Third Worldism. He used to be friends with Caleb Maupin. At the time not a lot of people knew how reactionary Mr. Maupin actually was. Jason's affiliation with Caleb harmed his reputation a lot. Caleb Maupin is a Counter Revolutionary, his attempts to make America Socialist is Fascist. America and Socialism are contradictions. Caleb Maupin's First Worldism and his Americanism could not tolerate Jason Unruhe's clarifications on topics concerning decolonization. Out of nowhere Caleb Maupin publicly accused Jason of doing things he was not actually doing. This ended their friendship. Before this Jason Unruhe was begged by his Network to denounce Caleb Maupin. But because Caleb helped Jason get on PressTV, he refused to do so. Jason Unruhe was deliberately isolated and slandered online. Many in-real-life Cadres had been misled about his true principles. So the only "friends" he had before this was Caleb Maupin and Mason Steiner. Because they had been so nice to him for years he could not see them for what they actually were. Jason Unruhe also never tolerated the Social Justice Warrior Movement of the 2010s. The Social Justice Warrior Movement was Anti-Third World. Jason Unruhe has never been friendly to the Alt Right either. He does not compromise.     

We are not out of money yet but we are getting very close to running out. We really would have liked to help clear the debts that Net's family is in. But our priority is getting the writings of The Third Worldist Pact published. We have not been able to fund revolutionaries this year. The Internationalist Resistance Guard is over. But not before we help our Comrades in the Global Revolutionary Shining Path condense the Books of the Third Worldist Pact into one Book. The First World is Bourgeoisie. The Third World is Proletariat. Maoist-Third Worldists advocate for a Pan-Third World Movement. Jason Unruhe never let go of Third Worldism. This is something we love about him. Maoist Rebel News should have worked. We can not deny that our mistakes harmed everything. We really hope Jason Unruhe knows, this is us, making a start at correcting this problem. Much love for Jason Unruhe. Like the topic of Panther C.O.D.E, the topic of Maoist Rebel News needs its own blog presentation. There is too much to explain about this topic. We will confront it fully in an upcoming blog presentation but not before we explore the topic of Panther C.O.D.E in greater detail.   



    I want to first thank you all for this blog post. It echoes everything that myself, Jason, Net, and Darksnovia have been saying for some time now. It feels very vindicating knowing that most of the ML-MLM-3W and anarchist are seemingly "reading our minds". I would be happy to speak more on the issues outlined in this video as we are currently in development of a This Doccumentary...2.0 so to speak. Also, as RedPagan Network has been slowly getting off the ground this year after reorganizing it from the RedPagan Corner news/commentary broadcast it originally was, I set out a goal to carry on the purpose and mission that Jason Unruhe looked to accomplish. I intend to make this happen. I also plan to push for the books to get published and for promises that were not fulfilled to be carried out to the best of our ability. I can't promise the world, but I can do my best to try to right some wrongs and mistakes of the past. I'm also neurodivergent (Autistic and ADHD), am a survivor of domestic abuse in the form of emotional, verbal, mental, and sexual violations at the hands of my ex-wife. It was because of this that I disappeared from 2016-2021. In addition, I came out as a trans woman in 2019 and was dealing with the abuse I was enduring while also transitioning. In 2021, I returned to YouTube just as alot of stuff was falling out with Trav and RedScare. I was there for the fallout with Caleb and the rise of the MAGACom fascist Multi-Polarists. I was one of many that spoke out and led the charge in defense of Jason when the "Fallout Mod Incident" came out and when the lesser known Anarchopac 2.0 incident happened, in which Zoe Baker's fans began bringing up the accusations that Jason was "transphobic". Due to being a survivor of abuse, I have generalized anxiety disorder and PTSD. But instead, I have channeled these disabilities into advantages as I am a planner. Had I been active with the community when Mason screwed Net and his wife over, I would not have let that happen and I would have been planning for any contingency that may have arose. I also would have called out Caleb, Mason, and Trav earlier as I had weird vibes about them from the get go.

    1. (Continued)

      What I propose going forward is forming a West Coast branch/division of the Convergence, recognizing Dr Weizfeld as Chairman of the Revolution while I myself would lead the West Coast (Internationalist Resistance Guard Convergence) as Emissary/First/General Secretary (labels aren't important). I say this as Darksnovia has made his position clear that he does not want the responsibility of leadership of a Convergence or otherwise. As a friend and comrade, I respect his decision and am prepared to relunctuntly take up the mantle. My only conditions is 1) that the West Coast Convergence be seen a branch/division of Weizfeld's Convergence with us recognizing him as Chairman of the Revolution, not as a separatist group or faction and 2) that while I may be the de facto head of this branch, that it would be led as a collective.

      As far as activities related to the former MRN, I intend to carry on its mission with RedPagan Network (or RPN) but let me be clear, I am not seizing MRN as it is not mine to have. Jason has made it clear that Luke Dublin is the only one with the power to restart the MRN if he so chooses and I will respect his wishes and the recognize Luke as the inheritor of the MRN legacy. Maxwell Glover is also still a close comrade tho he has made it clear he wants to maintain a low profile and given the trauma of the past, I don't blame him and I respect his wishes. But I still maintain him as a close advisor and he is still a part of the former MRN and I consider him to be a formal associate member of RPN. I am not going to make promises but I will do my damn hardest to make sure that the promises that were not fulfilled by MRN are carried out, if possible. I want to make sure that theory/books are published, docs are made (if resources allow) and I intend to build both a network that MRN intended to be but fell short at while also maintaining a strong cadre of revolutionary resistance fighters on the ground, online, or wherever they may be.

      If any of you need to contact me, my email will be provided as a footnote at the end of this statement. I am also in contact with Black M3W Justice Cadre and he has my permission to provide the necessary contact details to other comrades in the IRG.

      Keep the faith and the fight, Comrades!

      Red Salute!

      ~Comrade RedPagan Nikole
      Chief Editor and Operator of RedPagan Network
      Member of the former MRN

      -- Contact ---
      Discord: comraderedpagan
      Twitter: ComradeStalina


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