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The Declaration of Justice and Revolution: by the Proletarian Revolutionary Front

We hold these truths to be self evident that Humanity has run out of time and that the one way to save the Proletariat is Open Defiance. We must shake off the bonds of tyranny that is Capitalism. The theories of Marxism-Leninism constitute the revolutionary science that when applied to each unique proletarian struggle births the groundwork for Vanguards of Justice and Revolution.
Where there are Police killing People of Color we watch, record and notify. When the marginalized of society are brutally murdered and no one else is willing to expose the injustices that have occurred, we will be there to inform the public. We will destroy the oppressive systems of injustice, not with reforms, not with reaction, not with dogmatic nostalgia for disconnected Marxists who know nothing of struggles in the exploited countries, the prison systems or the urban ghettos but with revolutionary justice whether recognized or unrecognized by the Imperialist systems. We stand for the Proletarians throughout the World and the impoverished slum dwellers determined to better them selves in class struggle. We stand for Marxism-Leninism because it is the weapon for ensuring unity within the Militia and the revolutionary organizations in the interest of The People. Capitalism and White Supremacy control the World and if the masses have yet to awaken to this, we declare that it is better for us and other Revolutionaries to become Adventurists for Revolutionary Militias rather than grow old and corrupt waiting for the neutralized victims of global Stockholm syndrome to realize that they no longer desire abuse. The fight is necessary because without it we risk the marginalized becoming reactionaries fighting White supremacy with racism. Those of the White Settler populations and those Europeans in the other Imperialist Countries are oppressed as well and racism will only further their class collaboration. We declare that in the United States of AmeriKKKa that Vanguard Parties that waste their efforts in electoral politics are validating the Police State. The masses in the United States of AmeriKKKa have stopped voting and this is beneficial for the spread of Marxism-Leninism. Revolutionary Vanguard Militias have replaced dogmatic Vanguard Parties. It is do or die, we who live and learn and study with correct applications of revolutionary scientific experimentation refuse to be slandered by other so-called Communists as Accelerationists.

Dogmatism is extremely harmful to Revolutionaries. It is a static set of applications from years gone past which eats away at the ideological struggle. Whenever a community is in struggle with an outcry for Justice it is the duty of Revolutionary Communists to answer with armed solidarity. Whenever White supremacy attacks marginalized people, we shall be there to document injustice and defend those under such oppression. Whenever house foreclosure is upon a family, we will provide aid. Whenever the Police coverup crime, we will expose what they seek to hide. Whenever the Police murder the innocent, we will bring Revolutionary Justice to The People. When the AmeriKKKan Corporations exploit Africa, the ghettos of Mexico and the poorest Asian Countries we will sabotage such exploitation. If this is adventurism then Communists have reached the revolutionary stage of adventurism. If this is accelerationism then Communists have to update the revolutionary science to acceleration. We lift up the hammer to the Proletarians and the sickle to the oppressed, the marginalized and the wretched of the earth. Give us your exploited, Your oppressed, your marginalized persons yearning to have human dignity, Come these, the homeless and proletariat to us.


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